
Outdoor Activities to Enjoy With Your Pet

Outdoor Activities to Enjoy With Your Pet

Regular exercise is one of the main pre-requisites for health, longevity, and happiness for humans and house pets alike. There are boundless opportunities to enjoy quality time with your furry friend in the great outdoors while maximizing the accompanied health benefits. Partaking in outdoorsy activities with your pets will also keep them happy, relaxed, and most importantly, obedient. The runner’s high phenomenon – the calm, positive feeling experienced after prolonged exercise – is not exclusive to humans. The same neurochemical, serotonin, is released in dogs and other mammals following aerobic exercise. This natural chemical burst will keep your pets well...

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Protecting Your Pet: Understanding Lyme Disease and How to Keep Your Furry Friend Safe

Protecting Your Pet: Understanding Lyme Disease and How to Keep Your Furry Friend Safe

As the weather warms and outdoor adventures beckon, it's essential for pet owners to be aware of the risks posed by Lyme disease. This tick-borne illness can affect our beloved furry companions, leading to discomfort, illness, and even long-term health complications. In this blog, we'll delve into the ins and outs of Lyme disease, its symptoms, prevention strategies, and treatment options, empowering pet owners to keep their pets safe and healthy during tick season. Understanding Lyme Disease: Lyme disease is caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi, which is transmitted to pets through the bite of infected black-legged ticks, also known...

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Protecting Your Pet: Understanding Lyme Disease and How to Keep Your Furry Friend Safe

Protecting Your Pet: Understanding Lyme Disease and How to Keep Your Furry Friend Safe

As the weather warms and outdoor adventures beckon, it's essential for pet owners to be aware of the risks posed by Lyme disease. This tick-borne illness can affect our beloved furry companions, leading to discomfort, illness, and even long-term health complications. In this blog, we'll delve into the ins and outs of Lyme disease, its symptoms, prevention strategies, and treatment options, empowering pet owners to keep their pets safe and healthy during tick season. Understanding Lyme Disease: Lyme disease is caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi, which is transmitted to pets through the bite of infected black-legged ticks, also known...

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How To: Help Protect Your Dog Against Fleas and Ticks

How To: Help Protect Your Dog Against Fleas and Ticks

As temperatures begin to rise and you and your family begin to enjoy the warmer weather, it's important to get a jump start on protecting your dog from fleas and ticks. Getting rid of pesky fleas and ticks can be a hassle, but with the right products and if you follow these steps, fleas and ticks will not stand a chance. There are two major steps to take to protect your dog against fleas and ticks. The first step to protect your dog against fleas and ticks is to keep the parasites out of your yard. Ticks can survive the...

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Tips to Help Calm Your Pets During Storms

Tips to Help Calm Your Pets During Storms

A sudden thunderstorm can be terrifying for any pet, and cats and dogs can become very stressed during storms. There are easy ways to help your pet feel more comfortable, however, and keep them from getting too excited or anxious when storms pass by. Provide a Safe Place Your pet will feel more secure if they have a safe, comfortable place to retreat when a storm strikes. A small, interior room without windows works best, such as a laundry room, walk-in closet, pantry or bathroom. Make sure there is a comfortable, familiar blanket, some water and other comforting objects in...

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